aku baru tau kalo saluran pernafasan jaraknya dekat dengan saluran perasaan, karena setiap kali aku narik nafas, entah kenapa perasaanku yang bereaksi. *asekasek*. every breath is like remind me the pain is real. it's a fact, and like or not, i have to face it.

But, it's funny. how it began and how it ended is so same with my oooold relationship. Hanya posisi peran yang berbeda. tapi itu yang membuat aku percaya kalo Karma itu ada. oke aku memang mengakui aku percaya. so what?  i think Karma is a part of our life. gak perlu menyesali apa yang udah kita lkukan atau mengeluh atas balasan yang kita terima. Just accept it! Learn it!  never do the same mistake or Karma will come back.

How 'bout me?
it's painful but it learns me how to make it to be a happiness
it told me that Newton was right
action equals to reaction
i called it KARMA

How 'bout you?
you are my memory
one of the best of my life

How's your life?
i don't know.
it's yours, not mine
not my territory anymore.



Aku menempatkan segala tentangku terlalu tinggi. Menganalogikan kehidupan orang lain tanpa bercermin tentang kehidupan sendiri. Mengomentari sikap tanpa instropeksi diri. Melupakan kebaikan karena hal kecil yang menurutku sebuah kesalahan. Padahal itu hanya menurutku, seorang manusia dengan kualitas rendah.
Aku pantas, itu juga menurutku, bukan berdasar penilaian orang lain. Itu jelas salah. In case, i should do the best that i can. Evrytime, everywhere adn for anyone. Let them know that i can do my responsibility, or more. And the most important, let them decide who i am.

Berhenti membenci
Belajar mencintai
Berhenti mengomentari
Mulai instropeksi
Berhenti bicara
Mulai bekerja
Mulai saat ini
Bukan nanti


What am i waiting for?
You? Me? We?
Never be a one.
We are in the same side and different side on the same time.
So, what are we waiting for?
Togetherness? Happiness? future?
It might be mine
It might be yours
But it will never be ours
So, what sould i look for?
True Love? She? Them?
There’s no one can give that all
That was you, that is you and always be you
And What  should you look for?
Endless love? Dream? hope?
You know there’s no one can bring it through
It might be me, it may be me, and may be always me
So, what are we waiting for?